Meet the experts from HydroHub and those companies of the TÜV NORD GROUP, who offer their extensive expertise in consulting, engineering and training along the hydrogen value chain. These include, for example, DMT GROUP, EE ENERGY ENGINEERS or ENCOS, who are present with us at selected hydrogen-related events and trade fairs.
We look forward to making contact and exchanging ideas with customers on site. Contact us for your personal trade fair ticket!
Trade Fairs 2025
- 11.–13.02.2024 E-world, Essen, Hall 5 Stand K134
- 31.3.–04.04.2024 Hannover Messe, Hanover, Hall 13 Stand C63
- N.N. Parliamentary Evening at DWV, Berlin
- N.N. HySummit.Rhein.Ruhr, Duisburg, Dortmund, Essen
- 21.–23.10.2024 Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe, Hamburg
Trade Fairs 2024
- 20.–22.02.2024 E-world, Essen, Hall 5 Stand J134
- 22.–26.04.2024 Hannover Messe, Hanover
- 13.–15.05.2024 World Hydrogen Summit, Rotterdam
- 11.09.2024 Parliamentary Evening at DWV, Berlin
- 16.–19.09.2024 HySummit.Rhein.Ruhr, Duisburg, Dortmund, Essen
- 22.–24.10.2024 Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe, Hamburg
- 18.–22.11.2024 Hydrogen Business Week, Brussels